January in Peru 2014

Aside from some major events, Granny’s passing and birthday festivities, here are some of the happenings from the first month in AQP this year…

1.  Greg taking a retreat to work on his doctoral submission paper for applications.  He holed up in a spare room at the cafe with ALL of his books and articles.  The kids and I would go by for an occasional visit.  I am more than happy to report that he finished.  Can I get a Hallelujah?

so smart
“stud” is in the word “studious,” you know.

2.  New teammates!!!  Team Arequipa 2.0 is trickling in this year.  First to arrive is the Froud Family.  We got them a 6 month lease on the apt right below us.  They are hoping to buy something, and they wanted time to look.  It has been nice to have little Evan as a neighbor to invite over to play.

moving their big appliances in to their apt
moving their big appliances in to their apt
Evan and Cohen
Evan and Cohen

3.  Our landlord opened up the roof above the Frouds’ apt to be like a patio for the kids.  It is as close to a “front yard” as we have ever had.  It works!

the view from the door
the view from the door
big enough for bikes and jumproping
big enough for bikes and jump roping

4.  We were sooooo sad to spend our last Sunday with Emilia.  She moved to Canada for a job.  We love her so very much, and we are thankful for technology so that we can still keep up with her.



5.  For the very first time, Iglesia took a trip to the beach together.  It was a blast, and the Blair family flew in that same day for a one week visit (they move here in July).

Areli and Meg
Areli and Meg
Cohen with "My Bella"
Cohen with “My Bella”
these three LOVED the beach and cannot wait for another visit
these three LOVED the beach and cannot wait for another visit
hanging with Florcita
hanging with Florcita
silly Ana
silly Ana
Mermaid Maggie
Mermaid Maggie
Chip with a side of sand
Chip with a side of sand
even Greg enjoys the sand
even Greg enjoys the sand

6.  A girls night out while Jacie was here.  What fun.  Later in the year, we will add Larissa, Sarah, and Katie to the mix.

eating at Zig Zag
eating at Zig Zag

7.  Ana’s clausura for her Art class.  She loved taking art this month.

with her class at the last gathering
with her class at the last gathering
January in Peru 2014

Mid-Rainy Season 2014

We had about three weeks of really cloudy days in January. We also had some pretty good rain showers (it doesn’t take much to flood this city). Yesterday, I went up on the roof to take some clothes down. It was right around sunset. You can always tell that a front is coming when all of the mountains are covered in clouds in the late afternoon. Surprisingly, it was completely clear. This is what a clear afternoon/evening looks like during rainy season. The weather has been absolutely delightful lately…

Volcano Misti
looking to the left of the volcano
looking to the left of the volcano
looking over the city at the sunset
looking over the city at the sunset
to the left of the sunset
to the left of the sunset
Mid-Rainy Season 2014