N. T. Wright Uses Powers for Awesome

Meg and I went with a Cedar Lane group to listen to N. T. Wright last night in Nashville. He was promoting his new book, Surprised by Hope, on “life after life after death.” I have already enjoyed reading and listening digitally to this guy. I, along with many others, would place him as one of the top three NT scholars in the world at present. He’s smart. Last night was, for me, like listening to a musical prodigy perform. I strongly recommend this book. We need to get a little more depth to our thought about that great pie in the sky. Spoiler: there is an in-between place for the after-death, before-resurrection period; resurrection is physical and so is the new creation (sorry to the closet Platonists); there’s no rapture. N. T. Wright, you d’a man.

N. T. Wright Uses Powers for Awesome

One Year

One of my favorite things right now is the quickness of Ana’s learning. She will mimic most things, and with a little practice she can remember them later if you cue her properly. On her birthday I got her to associate the question “How old are you?” with sticking one finger up in the air (with each hand, for added emphasis). I would say, “How old are you,” and enthusiastically thrust aloft both index fingers while saying “One!” In Ana-talk, “one” comes out as a quick “duh!” Much with the cuteness.

Check out the first birthday party highlights.

One Year