Best Ever Grape Salad

Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone!!!

beautiful grapes.  This "salad" starts out as healthy.  ;-)
beautiful grapes. This “salad” starts out as healthy. 😉

Grapes are a big deal for New Year’s Eve here in Peru. They have a tradition where they eat grapes for every month of the year for good luck as the clock strikes 12. I don’t believe in this superstition, but I do not mind one bit the sale that they have for seedless grapes in the grocery stores!

This is one of Greg’s absolute favorite salads. Salad is a little misleading… it is definitely a dessert. 🙂

I first heard about this salad from a friend in my masters program back in Memphis, TN. She had told me that it makes a great potluck dish. Our supporting church at Cedar Lane made a cookbook for us before we left, and I was happy to see Evelyn Curlee’s recipe for this little gem. Thanks, Evelyn!

there's nothing like finding seedless grapes on sale (in green AND red) in AQP!!!
there’s nothing like finding seedless grapes on sale (in green AND red) in AQP!!!
It is so nice when I can just take a picture and not type all of this out.  :-)
It is so nice when I can just take a picture and not type all of this out. 🙂

It is a really easy salad to put together. So easy in fact, that my kids can help me. Even the two-year-old. 😉

Ana and Mags plucking the grapes from the vine
Ana and Mags plucking the grapes from the vine
Cohen aka Super Mixer
Cohen aka Super Mixer
the recipe says to add the grapes whole.  I like to cut each of them in half. (it is also easier for the kids to eat)
the recipe says to add the grapes whole. I like to cut each of them in half. (it is also easier for the kids to eat)
this is where the goodness comes in.  :-)
this is where the goodness comes in. 🙂
it says to leave it like this and chill...
it says to leave it like this and chill…
I like to go ahead and mix it all up.  Soooo delicious.
I like to go ahead and mix it all up. Soooo delicious.

And for the record, we don’t have sour cream here in Arequipa. I substitute natural yogurt, and it comes out just fine. I also scored on a 3 for 2 deal on Philadelphia Cream Cheese at the store too. Cheers to a cheaper New Year’s Eve Dessert!

Best Ever Grape Salad

My Judah

Cohen hasn’t had his hair cut since before our trip to the states (August).  It was Greg’s job to have it cut, and if you know his daddy… he doesn’t mind the longer hair.  😉  Here is Cohen from just recently:

taken on Christmas Eve
taken on Christmas Eve

Well, today is New Year’s Eve.  I came home from the grocery store to find this little boy:

taken New Year's Eve
taken New Year’s Eve

He was so proud of his new look.  He said, “Look Momma!  (and pointing to his head of no-hair) MY Judah!”

He loves his cousin Judah.  When we were home, he got to spend a lot of time with his older cousin.  Judah had his haircut as all Bills boys for the summer months… a buzz cut.  We are in our summer months, and Cohen now has his summer buzz cut… his daddy’s decision.

Cohen talks about Judah often.  I thought I would post some pics of the two of them from our last furlough.

Nathan and Jenni, I have a feeling that these two would be an absolute disaster together if they lived close to one another all the time.  For now, Cohen will just have to depend on Skyping his cousin while sporting “My Judah” on his head.  🙂

cousin buds
cousin buds
aquarium love
aquarium love
in awe of the farm
in awe of the farm
Gator boys
Gator boys
My Judah!
My Judah!
My Judah

Nine Years

11 years ago, I was swooned by the sweetest 8 page love letter I had ever read.  I had just completed a semester in Chile with “Jesus Boy,” but little did I know that I had slowly fallen in love with him throughout the four months we had traveled the country and gone on numerous jogs in a Spanish-speaking world.

HULA (Harding University in Latin America) 2002
HULA (Harding University in Latin America) 2002

10 years ago, I spent my very first Christmas away from my family.  It was a pretty big deal to be convinced to spend the holidays away from my farm home.  I was gifted with a Bilingual Bible from Greg.  It’s like he thought I might need it in the future or something.  😉  Here is the note he wrote inside:




9 years ago, we celebrated with family and friends as we said our “I do’s” in front of all to witness.

one of our engagement photos
one of our engagement photos

Nine years, moving to a country above Chile, and three kids later, here we are.  He is still my faithful friend.

Greg McKinzie, thank you for writing that love letter to me 11 years ago.  Who knew that a jogging schedule would completely change our lives together for the forever?  I sure am glad you had an interest in your health.  😉  Here is to nine more glorious years and counting!

Always and forever,

your Meg


Nine Years