CT—14 months

I missed the actual day for good reason.  Life is a little crazy around here.  Our seven interns have been here for almost 2 weeks, and we have been hosting the solar panel campaign.  It has been a blast, but the whirlwind hasn’t slowed down.  I have a minute tonight to record some things about my sweet boy.  Well, “sweet” might not be the best word for this month.  Cohen has been, as the Peruvians say, “inquieto” the last two weeks.  He is so whiney, but it only seems like it is when he feels threatened that someone will take him from me.  He has (another Peruism) “Mamitis.”  If he sees me, hears me, or thinks I am around, he will whine until he gets me.  Greg also noticed that he seems to be cutting all four of his top teeth (he still only has two bottom teeth).  I will cut him some slack if that is the case.  I can’t complain too much.  He is still a pretty great baby when I take a step back and see all that he deals with in our crazy schedule.

So, here are some memories to record:

1.  He took 2 steps about a month ago… to Manuela.  He seemed to have forgotten, and only in the last week has he acted interested at various times.  He is in NO hurry.  This morning he swiveled and took three steps to me.  Tonight he took about 5 steps to me.  He can walk, but it doesn’t seem like something to celebrate until he walks like he means it!  🙂

2.  He babbles like crazy right now.  He talks a lot to Manuela.  My library work day is Thursday, and she keeps him the majority of the day.  He definitely knows who she is.  He calls her “Ella” or “Mamella.”  He loves to call her name out to see if she answers (even on days she isn’t here).  She will walk in the door and he will start babbling away and point some direction like he is showing her something.  It is pretty cute.

3.  He has some important names down:  Momma (“Momma”), Ana (“Nana”), Maggie (“Mowmee”) and Daddy (“Dadee”).

4.  He sleeps 12 hours at night.  Awesome.  Can’t complain there.

5.  He generally takes 2 naps, but if his morning schedule is abnormal, he won’t sleep in the afternoon.  This just means that we put up with a cranky baby until an early bedtime, and he will usually sleep more than 12 hours.

6.  He LOVES granadia (we call it snot fruit).

7.  He has started pretending on cell phones (it is amazing how quickly they pick up on that).

8.  He is a thick little boy.  I definitely don’t hurt for a workout when I carry him up and down our steps.

Here are some photos taken recently by on of our interns, Ann.  Thanks for taking some sweet photos of my little boy, Ann.

I was excited to see Andrea Abrahams here. Cohen, the momma's boy, is typically situated on my hip like this.
CT—14 months

When the whirlwind passes…

1.  church work

2.  evangelistic studies

3.  discipleship studies

4.  a marriage seminar

5.  kicking off a university age class on “The Jesus I Never Knew”

6.  Greg working on the missions journal

7.  7 interns for two months (3 of those living in our home)

8.  solar campaign (they arrive this Friday)

9.  library work

10.  PMS (Peruvian Missions Summit) in Cusco– where we meet with two other mission teams in Peru to discuss our work and be together


FURLOUGH!!!  Greg sent me our itinerary today.  We officially have our tickets to the states in August where we cannot wait to see so many of you.

It is a whirlwind here and a complete blessing, but we are so ready for a time of renewal and a time to see friends and family from our home country.  In the midst of this whirlwind, I wanted to take a moment to really be excited about it and share it with you.

When the whirlwind passes…